Phone: 970-423-6664
Website: Alpinepaint.com
Address: 0056 County RD. 450 Breckenridge, CO 80424
Address: 795 Blue River Parkway Silverthorne, CO 80498
Specialties & Services
- Interior Paint
- Exterior Paint
- Interior Stain
- Exterior Stain
- Paint Supplies
- Paint Equipment
- Sanders, Sprayers and Powerwashers
Alpine Paint Company
About Alpine Paint
Alpine Paint Company has been brightening Summit County since 2013. We are Summit County’s Benjamin Moore Signature Paint Dealer, and provide Summit residents with a full line of paints, stains, lacquers, prayers and supplies.
We are Summit County’s Benjamin Moore Signature paint dealer and provide summit residents with a full line of paints, stains, lacquers, sprayers, and supplies. We are summit county’s ultimate paint store, built by painters and paint experts with a combined 85 years of experience.
Email Alpine Paint

Summit County Builders
We are a leading provider in Summit County for framing, siding, window and door installation, decks, pergolas and concrete. SumCo Builders works through out Summit County, including Breckenridge, Keystone, Silverthorne, Frisco, Dillon, Copper Mountain and Blue River.